I am thrilled and honored to have been selected as a member of the new 2008 Scrapbooker Online design team. SBO was the very first message board I ever joined in the fall of 2006, and it has become my cyber home. Not a day goes by without checking in on my sistas around the world - they have become my extended family. My gratitude goes out to owner Maryfrances for believing in me and my work. Thanks, big sis!
whooooooooo whoooooooo!! SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU ABOARD!! :)
Congratulations, Jolene!
You go girl. That's totally amazing cause you do out of this world projects! Congrat's to you! ROCK their socks off!
Way to Go Jolene!!So happy for you, and it is well deserved your work is truely amazing!
Congrat's Jolene!
Huuuuge Congrats, Jolene! I am so pumped for you, Girl. Well-deserved. Can't wait to see all your posts for your new SBO creations.
Let me just say "you SO deserve it" I have sat beside you and felt the creativity seeping through unfortunatly it didn't rub off on me! LOL
congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!! GO, YOU!!!! (you sooo deserve this!) *hooraaaaaaaaaaaaay*!!! :)
Yay for you!!! Your work is awesome, you totally deserve it!!
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