Monday, May 5, 2008


Ok, I know I'm the mom, but how cute is THIS? Just when I think I have gotten the most adorable photo of my boys I end up with another new one. This one came from our most recent trip to Conner Prairie. If you're local to Indiana I highly recommend a visit.

Caardvarks has its new challenge called Caliente! posted today. Make a HOT card and link back to the 'Varks site by midnight on May 17th to be considered for a prize by Itty Bitty Scrap Shack. And since it's Cinco de Mayo today we're hoping you had lots of inspiration!


Leslie said...

They are HOT! :) And I'm the mom's friend. They are awful cute though. ;)

Krystin said...

Oh, goodness, Jolene...they are so handsome!!! What a great picture of them.

lauren bergold said...

well, you may be their mother...but that doesn't mean you're incorrect. EMPIRICALLY...those are two incredibly handsome lads!!! :)